Renato Peron was born in Argentina, where he spent his early childhood.
Then he moved to Italy and graduated in architecture from the IUAV in Venice in 1991.
In 2009, after 7 years of periodic experiences in Brazil, he decides to move to Salvador and then to southern Bahia, where he has the opportunity to fully experiment with bio-architecture, a research begun 10 years earlier.
In the meantime he also graduated in Brazil, at the UFBA in Salvador, but in 2017 he decided to move to Portugal.
In Oporto he opens his studio, while maintaining his business in Brazil.
- 2018: Inscribed in the Ordem dos Arquitetos Secção Regional do Norte (Portugal).
- 2016: Graduation in Architecture from the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) of Salvador, Brazil. Registered in CAU (Order of Brazilian Architects).
- 1998: 2 years National Course in BIO - ARCHITECTURE.
- 1997: Certificate for coordinating the planning and execution of the works for the safety of construction sites.
- 1992: Inscribed in the Ordine degli Architetti di Padova (Italy).
- 1991: Graduation in Architecture from the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) - Italy.
- Speaker at the conference "Call IUAV", IUAV ABROAD 2021, organized by IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venezia), Italy
- Speaker at the conference "Diversity and Mixture", 27th World Congress of Architects, UIA 2021, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
- International competition “The White Lands”. Project chosen for publication. Mecca. Saudi Arabia
- International competition “Central Business District (CBD) of Thessaloniki”. Greece
- Urban projects for the enhancement of some areas, industrial and residential, in Lisbon (Portugal)
- Rcrei Hotel. Project to expand a hotel in the historic center of Oporto (Portugal)
- Green Comfort. Project of 5 apartaments in energy class A+ in Oporto (Portugal)
- Begins his studies on light steel framing construction systems
- Starts his studies on the rehabilitation of downtown Porto and real-estate dynamics
- Heliconia 2nd House. Project of a house on the beach. Barra Grande, Bahia (Brazil)
- International competition of ideas "Stone Barn Meditation Camp". Latvia
- Pousada Denada. Restoration of a Hotel in front of the sea. Barra Grande, Bahia (Brazil)
- Braziliana Hostel. Restoration of a hotel and transformation in hostel. Barra Grande, Bahia (Brazil)
- International competition of ideas "Himalayan Mountain Hut". Nepal
- Casa de Jean Paul e Joel (“J” House). Restoration of a brazilian house in front of the sea. Barra Grande, Bahia (Brazil)
- Speaker at the conference " roofs and stairs". Invited by the Universidade Federal da Bahia of Salvador, at the opening of the course of atelier
- Casa de Antonio Dos Santos. Construction of a residential building. Ubaitaba, Bahia (Brazil)
- Cubes 1 Residence. Project of 10 houses on the beach. Algodoes, Bahia (Brazil) - Domino Bulding. Feasibility studies of a residential buiding of 15 floors with wood curtain wall – Salvador, Bahia (Brazil)
- Casa da Mangueira. Construction of a wooden house with 4 apartaments. Barra Grande, Bahia (Brazil)
- Speaker at the conference "Cooperation and Sustainability", Padova (Italy), organized by the Ordine Architetti di Padova
- Casa dos Cajueiros. Construction of a wooden house with a restaurant, an apartament and 2 shops. Barra Grande, Bahia (Brazil)
- Studies on construction details: roofs (Origami, ...), stairs (Santos Dumont, ...)
- Artist’s Atelier. Renovation and expansion of an old buiding to create a painter's studio. S.Giorgio, Padua (Italy)
- Casa del Ferroviere (Locomotive Breath House). Renovation and expansion of a house. Camposampiero, Padua (Italy)
- Development Plan. Urban development plan for a residential area. Piombino, Padua (Italy)
- Car dealership. Expansion project for a car shop. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Research on vernacular architecture
- Mountain House. Restoration of a holiday home on the mountain. Possagno, Treviso (Italy)
- Shopping Center. Project of expansion and superelevation of an existing commercial structure. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- RSA- Project of a home for the elderly. Castelfranco, Treviso (Italy)
- National competition of ideas remodeling of the center town of Piombino Dese
- Pio X Residence. Construction of a bulding with 3 apartaments and one shop. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Morosini Residence. Construction of a bulding with 14 apartaments and one shop. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- In Opera Residence. Recovery of an old abandoned building, wih the creation of 5 apartaments with the principles of bio-architecture and sustainability. Piombino, Padua (Italy)
- Titanium Residence. New construction of 6 apartamentes with titanium roof. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Bio Residence. Project of 6 house with sustainable features. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
​- International Competition for the renovation and expansion of the municipal sports center of Cortenuova
- International Competition of ideas "Living Box, the future house." Creates a concept of transportable house, that increases the surface,
opening itself with a hinge system
- Research on alternative ways of living: the mobile house
- Industrial Building. Construction of headquarters of Luise Water Engineering. Padua (Italy)
- PdL C2-21. Construction of an urban development plan for a residential area. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Research in Brazil: building systems, natural materials for the preparation of projects for sustainable architecture
- Masseria. Renovation and expansion of an old house. Santa Giustina, Padua (Italy)
- Harpa’s House. Renovation and expansion of an old house. Camposampiero, Padua (Italy)
- Santa Eufemia Square. Construction of the first section of the square, following the qualification of the first prize of the competition. Borgoricco, Padua (Italy)
- Competition for the design of the square of Santa Eufemia, Borgoricco. The project, 1st prize, plays the themes of the square, the municipal market and sports facilities
- Promoter of the workshop in three meetings: "The quality of the environment and the built environment, resource use, the principles of bio-architecture" in the town of Cittadella, Italy
- Ruzante Residence. New construction of 4 townhouses. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Participated in a design workshop for the creation of a science park in the town of Faenza - Italy, financed by CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), ENEA (Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile) and the Polo Ceramico di Faenza. Coordinated by Leon Krier. Published in the journal "Bioarchitettura"
- Research on the safety of construction sites
- Local Court. Construction of a public corner building in a historiacal context. Camposampiero, Padua (Italy)
- Begins his studies on wooden construction systems
- Casa in ARGISOL. Construction of a new house. Camposampiero, Padua (Italy)
- Develops research in bio-architecture
- Architect’s House. Renovation of an house built in the late of 1960. Creating an apartment, an architectural office and a small apartment, services and common areas. On the back a new house (extension). Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Conteiner Hotel. Extension of a hotel with the creation of seven bedrooms. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Curch Square. Paved with "porfido", material of the local mountains, working on arcs. In square spaces, delimited by Istrian white stone, the porfido is placed in concentric circles. Loreggia, Padua (Italy)
- Begins his studies on the real estate trend of the construction industry
- Develops research: the square and meeting places
- Research in laboratory of Dipartimento di Analisi Economiche e Sociali del Territorio (DAEST), of the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia - Italy (IUAV)